406 research outputs found

    Safe design and operation of tank reactors for multiple reactions: Uniqueness and multiplicity

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    A method is developed to design a tank reactor for unique operation and for two simultaneous or consecutive reactions of the first order. Dimensionless groups are introduced which are either exclusively representative for the properties of the reaction system or exclusively for the design and operating variables. In a plot of the dimensionless slopes of the heat withdrawal line versus the dimensionless residence time in the reactor the region is indicated, where operation under conditions of uniqueness is feasible. The method is illustrated with two industrial examples; the oxidation of naphthalene and of ethylene. Whereas under conditions of uniqueness the naphthalene oxidation is shown to be feasible in a tank reactor, the ethylene oxidation cannot be executed economically in a tank reactor

    Політична економія глобалізму і проблеми структурної модернізації національної економіки

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    У статті досліджується політична економія глобалізму як транзитивної системи зі своїми протиріччями та внутрішніми конфліктами. Розкриваються негативні наслідки і ризики функціонування системи силового глобалізму та його відмінності від об’єктивної природної глобалізації як форми глобальної інтеграції. Увага також акцентується на ролі держави в сучасних глобалізаційних процесах та на проблемі структурної модернізації національної економіки в умовах глобальної конкурентності. Проаналізовано основні вектори і характер глобальних зрушень на початку ХХІ ст. та спрогнозовано їх тенденції до середини століття.В статье исследуется политическая экономия глобализма как транзитивной системы со своими противоречиями и внутренними конфликтами. Раскрываются негативные последствия и риски функционирования системы силового глобализма и его отличия от объективной естественной глобализации как формы глобальной интеграции. Внимание также акцентируется на роли государства в современных глобализационных процессах и на проблеме структурной модернизации национальной экономики в условиях глобальной конкурентности. Проанализированы основные векторы и характер глобальных сдвигов в начале ХХІ века и спрогнозированы их тенденции к середине века.In this article the political economy of globalism as a transitive system with its contradictions and internal conflicts is investigated. Negative consequences and risks of functioning of power globalism system and its differences from objective natural globalization as form of global integration are covered. Attention is also accented on the role of the state in modern globalization processes and on the problem of structural modernization of national economy in the global competition conditions. Basic vectors and character of global changes at the beginning of the XXIst century are analysed and their tendencies to the middle of age are predicted

    Effect of exercise after a deep venous thrombosis:A systematic review

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    Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a common complication after deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and has a major impact on physical symptoms, quality of life (QoL) and economic costs. Relatively simple lifestyle interventions as physical exercise might reduce PTS severity and increase QoL. To evaluate the direct and long-term effects of physical activity in patients with an acute or previous DVT. We conducted a systematic review through an additional search from 2007 up to March 2022, to complement the comprehensive systematic review of Kahn et al. Articles evaluating the effect of exercise after a DVT including symptoms, QoL and the incidence and severity of PTS, were included. Quality of the studies was assessed using a GRADE-like checklist and results were reported according to the PRISMA Statement. Ten studies were included, seven randomized controlled trials and three cohort studies. We identified three types of physical activity based on timing and duration; (1) early mobilisation in the acute phase of the DVT; (2) short duration exercise 1 year after DVT and (3) prolonged exercise during follow-up after a previous DVT. Early mobilisation showed improvement in QoL and pain reduction and after 2 years it resulted in a significant reduction of PTS severity. Prolonged supervised exercise resulted in improvement of QoL. In addition, positive effects on symptoms of venous insufficiency and muscle functions were observed. None of the included studies reported an increased risk of PTS or worsening of symptoms due to physical activity. Physical exercise after a DVT is safe, improves QoL, reduces pain and decreases PTS severity. Lifestyle intervention such as guided individualized training programs can be a useful supplementary therapy for patients after a DVT or for PTS patients. Optimal training programs may be identified by further studies that improve patient-oriented outcomes for both adults and children after a DVT.</p

    Kalenders van hout

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    Adaptation of a Vocabulary Test from British Sign Language to American Sign Language

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    This study describes the adaptation process of a vocabulary knowledge test for British Sign Language (BSL) into American Sign Language (ASL) and presents results from the first round of pilot testing with twenty deaf native ASL signers. The web-based test assesses the strength of deaf children’s vocabulary knowledge by means of different mappings of phonological form and meaning of signs. The adaptation from BSL to ASL involved nine stages, which included forming a panel of deaf/hearing experts, developing a set of new items and revising/replacing items considered ineffective, and piloting the new version. Results provide new evidence in support of the use of this methodology for assessing sign language, making a useful contribution toward the availability of tests to assess deaf children’s signed language skills

    Does total hip replacement affect sexual quality of life?

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    Background: Total Hip Replacement (THR) is an effective treatment for end-stage hip osteoarthritis. Since the introduction of total joint replacement, the effect on the Sexual Quality of Life (SQoL) following THR has been addressed in scant studies. The aim of our study was to systematically review the literature, to summarise effects of THR on patients’ SQoL. Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO between January 1970 and February 9th, 2015 with search terms including Total Hip, Osteoarthritis, SQoL, and THR. Eligible studies were identified and two independent authors extracted data including details of SQoL, study quality and risk of bias. Results: There were 12 eligible studies, which included a total of 2099 patients with an age range of 20–85 years. The methodological quality of ten studies was rated as low, and of two as moderate. Amongst the majority of patients, SQoL improved after surgery, both in terms of physical-functional and psychosocial well-being. However, changes between pre-operative and postoperative SQoL ranged extensively: for example, Sexual Dysfunction Δ 8–51 % and Sexual Activity (SA) Δ 0–77 %. Three studies reported that some patients never resumed SA again after surgery. Conclusion: In over 40 years of THR treatment, scant studies have examined the effect of THR on patients’ SQoL. This review suggests that SQol improves after THR, although the magnitude of effects varies highly. However, the quality of the supporting evidence was rated as low to moderate. This suggests a need for more high quality evidence about the effects of THR on SQoL